Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ode to a broken arm

It's been almost five months since the day of my awful bike accident, when my forearm folded in half and I learned of a new level of pain.  I wrote this poem a few weeks after (when my mind wasn't as addled by painkillers) the initial experience and following surgery.  

Ode to a broken arm

Showers weren't the same,
a mending arm raised high
swathed in plastic and elastics 
in a dry salute to the shampoo, 
preserving the cast. 
Dinners have a new dimension. 
In my lap the arm complains,
begins to throb.
The best position is
vertical, hand raised, 
supported by an elbow
like an unspoken meal-time challenge
to arm wrestle the girl
with the metal in her arm. 
Don't think me ungrateful. 
I know full well
a hundred years ago the doctor 
would have shook his head at me and 
said: "That's going to have to come off".